The tool used to submit changes to the Plan 9 distribution is called patch(1) (not to be confused with the unix tool of the same name.)
Patches are processed by the maintainers at Bell Labs (typically geoff or jmk). When sending a patch, follow these guidelines:
If you use patch/email to attach an email address to the patch, that address will be mailed when the patch is either applied or rejected. If the latter, the email will contain a note explaining why and probably listing suggested changes and encouraging you to resubmit.
An archive of all submitted patches is in /n/sources/patch.
If you have Plan 9-related code you would like to publish but not submit (yet?) to be part of the main distribution, you can place it in your own directory in /n/sources/contrib.
To get your own directory under /n/sources/contrib, mail
Once you have your own directory under /n/sources/contrib, you can use
srv -q tcp! sources /n/sourcesto connect to sources, and then just copy your file(s) to your directory. By the way, don't forget to create an INDEX file to describe your upload, so it will be auto-indexed.
See also Contrib and Contrib index
Find something you're interested in doing. If it's a big project, it is worth it mailing 9fans first, just to see if anyone else is already working on such a thing or knows why it hasn't already been done.
Do it.
The patch may well come back in the "sorry" category rather than the "applied" category, with suggestions on what should be changed to make it better and a request to resubmit it. This doesn't mean you should give up. It means you did a good job and the maintainers think it's worth trying to get you to make the job even better. Remember: you can't polish a turd.
If the patch does get applied but you notice that the code has been edited and is not exactly what you submitted, the same comment still applies. Look at the diffs and understand why the changes were made. Remember: you can't polish a turd.
Plan 9 C code has its own conventions, documented in style(6). You would do well to follow them. Here are a few:
Ultimately, the goal is to write code that fits in with the other code around it and the system as a whole. If the file you are editing already deviates from these guidelines, do what it does. After you edit a file, a reader should not be able to tell just from coding style which parts you worked on.
If your code is readable, you shouldn't need many comments. A line or two comment above a function explaining what it does is always welcome.
Comment any code you find yourself wondering about for more than 2 seconds, even if it's to say that you don't understand what's going on. Explain why.
Don't use commenting as an excuse for writing confusing code. Rewrite the code to make it clear.
Do the simple thing. Don't optimize unless you've measured the code and it is too slow. Fix the data structures and the algorithms instead of going for little 5% tunings.